黃韻菱生於香港,現居英國,寫字很多年,認真習字卻只有四年。合作伙伴包括香港歷史博物館、誠品香港、Gucci、Dior、Lora Piana、香港科技大學等等。她擅於行楷書體,尋求創新,務求糅合傳統與現代藝術,推廣書法文化的價值。對她而言,書法不只是藝文活動,還是在石屎森林裡的一片靜土,好讓人們在忙碌的日子中,不忘好好呼吸。她現時在書法大師華老師門下,深造書法技巧。
About Running Wong
Running Wong is a Hong Kong-born calligrapher based in the UK. She is now living in Nottingham, the UK. She has worked with different organizations including The Hong Kong Museum, Eslite@HK, Gucci, Dior, Loro Piana, HKUST etc. to spread the beauty of Chinese calligraphy. Her works incorporate the style of Running and Regular Script with creative elements showcasing the harmony of transitional and modern arts. What she believes is that calligraphy is not only a form of arts but also a way out of the daily stress in this city jungle.
Thank you for visiting. Whatever the future holds, we are going to make it through together.